Last time I were quite ..unhappy with me and life in general but I'm ok now. :3
uhm, let's see where to start.....
Last week at school they gave us a task. (woohooo~ ) We had to make a skirt out of table-cloth. We got 4 days, two for preparations and two for sewing. Like I mentioned I had a shitty start at the week so I weren't as creative as I could have been (in my head), but when I finally decided which design I would go for it went smoothly. And I like how it turned out. ^^ I used two table-cloths, one I got from my aunt (the black one..) She actually sent it from the other side of Norway just so that I could use it in the task. Very much appreciated! :D And the other I got from Helene's mother (the christmas-thing..the one with hearts) . :D thank you~ ^^ We didn't get to know what size the skirt would have until the day we were going to begin sewing.. and unfortunately I got one size too small. P: harr... weell.. I guess I could give it away as a christmas present .. xD
So, hm, it was fun. I liked that way of working. I felt focused and good about the thing... and did everything correct. :3 I KNOW THIS! *victory pose* X3 Yesterday we had a "presentation/ went through/ talked about the skirts and how we felt the process had been and why and stuff..And as the low self-esteem person I am I tried to push everything under the table.. harr.. I need to work on this. My speach: "well, I didn't have a good start on this thing, so yeah.. blabla, and I got the table-cloths from ------- and --------- blabla, and you don't need to see the design process, because it sucks. But the skirt turned out great though. ^^ " That's basically what I said. and tried to sneak away. Then Annti stepped forward like he usually do, he can't keep his mouth closed. xD (which can be a good thing.. :3) He grabbed the design papers that I had "hid" under some stuff on the table and lifted them up for all to see and said it was good and brilliant. Because it showed just what it was supposed to. And He said my "fig. in environment" was Good. It was mystical and interesting.. (I think that's because I had drawn a mask-thing in front of the mouth and nose.. X3 ) But yeah.. I've been thinking since that thing, about how I keep oppressing my work. like it's not worth anything and stuff. I should stop that. I'll never get anywhere if I keep this up.
DesuCon '09 were on saturday/sunday. ^^ I went only on Saturday because my wallet yelled at me.. And I knew that IF I went on Sunday too my wallet wouldn't only yell she would strangle me..or even worse things.. *shrugs* -_____- But I had fun. :D Lot's of people and stuffs. I didn't get to see much of the cosplay competition but I did see lots of fancy cosplays :3 And there were lots of fancy stands with interesting stuff... And since my wallet already hated me I mostly just walked around watching people. And I noticed that..most of them dived into Outland's and NeoTokyo's stands and freeing their wallets of money.. >:3 Oh, and NewNippon.. I spent quite some time there, because they had cd's and dvd's and other j-rock stuff.. ^^ I liked it.. I actually bought stuff there even though my wallet screamed NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I couldn't not buy anything.. seriously.. all the nice things.. ♥ _ ♥ I bought a Dir en Grey phone-thing, 4 Dir en Grey buttons dozing green style 8D, a bracelet and eventually GaGaalinG - Royal Stranger. ♥
Yes, so while walking around there I found a Final Fantasy stand, apparently they where people from FinalFantasyNorge (which seems to be a norwegian FF.. forum ++ ) They had two competitions, One where you had to draw a drawing FF/SE related, and I didn't do that, since I can't draw. xD BUT the other one, were just to answer a question, and guess what that question was? xD "Who is the Main bad guy in FF VII?" harr.. I sat there for a while because in my head it's not obvious who the MAIN bad guy is.. because Seph wasn't really bad, before he found out he was a ..thing made by Hojo.. So.. technically I would say Hojo is the bad guy. but.. yeah.. I answered Seph did say only VII .. and there he IS the bad guy.. (that we love~ ♥) yesh.. so..after more walking the dude called me and said I had to come over and get my price. Hahaha, I never win stuff like that! So this made my day~ ^^ And the price was Dissidia Final Fantasy ♥ (hohoho! do you think I was glad I had bought the psp in Japan now? xD ) I had only read some about it online and heard Helene talk about how she didn't really like the game. So..I didn't really know what to expect. But when I sat down to try it my psp died because of no more battery power~ :P I had to wait until I were back home.. But that was ok. :3 Harr.. well.. didn't really happen anything else there.. I attended the disco with some of my friends there.. OH! and I met more of the same people I met at MYV's live in Stockholm. xD Yeeeeey! but the disco was.. boring. xD so we went home after maybe 30 minutes there.. :P
And THEN i got to test Dissidia and I find it interesting. it's diffrent and fun. and TOTALLY FAN-SERVICE but that's ok. ♥ ~ And I must say, the game play and stuff is good, but nothing compared to the music! O.o I nearly died the first time I heard the track called "Keeping the Faith". (which led me to a witch hunt for moar! X3 interwebz~) Because seriously, that song is wonderful. and "Cosmos" those two and the rest of the soundtrack is AWESOME. ♥ You should hear them if you haven't already. >:3
Other music I was captivated by last week was exist†trace, and they are amazing! ♥ So, now I'm in a mix of Dissidia and exist†trace heaven. ^^ Water and Liquid is the two most played songs by them here .. :3
Me and Kristin has this tradition that we makes something good to eat on Mondays. Like cake or muffins.. (last monday, I think, she made apple muffins. :D and they where YUMMY! ♥ ^^ This Monday we made brownies with raspberry and cream. ^^ yumyum~ ^^
Kristin bribed me into making covers for some pillows she had.. yesterday.. xD She tried to make "Gugge" as a reward.. :p
But she slightly failed. xD Took it of the plate WAAAAAAAAAY to early. but hey.. practise makes perfect.. though next time I'm going to make it myself. xDLook @ my pillow skillz OMFG! X3
And since I'm awesome today I made buns with bits of chocolate. ^^ And we had enchilladas for dinner. :D And I should have been working on the main skirt today..but I didn't.. I read Naruto instead.. and now I have to start waiting for the next chapter like normal people.. :P *sigh* TOO LONG! D: Maybe I should do the same with One Piece? xD
My buns of wonder. :D I like for round and nice they look. ^^ success! 8D
Oh, guess what we did last night? xD We rearranged the kitchen/livingroom and Kristins bedroom. haha.. we're more active at night than at day.. :P yes, now I'm going to bed. ^^
happy people~
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