yes, I've been busy the last week.
First there was THE Miyavi concert. which was AMAZING! X3 (there will be some sort of post about that..just not now.. xD ) so.. yeah.. :3 We got back in Oslo a round 12:00 so.. I could have gone to school.. but I believed that to be a quite bad idea since I REALLY needed a shower and wasn't that awake either.. I don't think I would have been able to do anything there anyway... too high on Miyavi~ ♥ ..and tiredness.. so..then I suddenly have 2 days of absence.. :P but.. Miyavi~ X3 It was worth it. :D I met lots of fancy people. :D
hm, yes, so.. I didn't go to school. or.. I sort of did. I had to get some paperstuffs which I had forgotten.. :P but I left right after getting that.. xD Besides I don't think Joachim would have appreciated if I stayed at school.. 'cause.. what should he be doing then..? xD There are limits to how much sightseeing you can do..even in Oslo. xD hm.. so..we went home. and ..checked youtube, twitter, facebook, myspace and livejournal. took a shower and ..yeh... what else..? slept? xD (GACKT! this should go in the myv post that's not written yet! xD) it was nice though... and then on the saturday Helene came over with her PS2 ♥ and most of her games.. P: woohoo. I has entertainment. ^^ ..blubb... I went home to Førde that evening, and Joachim went back to Trondheim.. :P
And that was the beginning of my Autumn holiday~ ^^ guh, I don't like night-bus, -train, -anything. It is too unpleasant. Anyway. other than the ride home (and back) the week was fun. ^^ It was nice to be home with mum and my siblings again. ^^ I bought lots of clothes there too... (haha..I live in Oslo..but I go to Førde to buy clothes.. XD LOOOL! ) Waah.. home~ ♥ I have two homes sort of and it's slightly tearing me apart.. Hammer sings "if home is where the heart is, then your real home's in your chest~" x3 so right now my heart and body is in Oslo.. so my home is here. xD
I'm quite curious on what the bus company means by this statement?..
I went back here on Friday because me and Susanne had a concert to attend. :3 And stuff. South of Heaven at Betong.. :3 It was good. got better and better .. 6 Norwegian metal bands.. :3 woohoo.. most of them were just.. CUTE! X3 hahaha.. I can't help but to laugh.. too cute! xD trying SO hard to be hardcore and metal, growling and tossing their hair around...that doesn't work. that just make them ..IN MY EYES cute. xD I didn't get to see much of the first band.. I was kind of.. amagacktimhere-ish so.. :P but the next one, In Vain was.. fancy.. they had two vocalists.. and one of them, most of the concert, just stood there with his arms crossed staring at something that none else than he could see.. he was kind of creepy. I didnt' like him, not his eyes at least. xD Though he might be a great guy.. what do I know. :P The other one was cool. He was more talkative and tried to drag the audience in.. sort of. :P
And in the middle of this I suddenly wanted to cosplay Orihime. xD but.. I'm in lack of two slightly important things.. the orange LONG hair.. (though my hair is going orange on me.. at least half of it.. ) and big boobs. xD haha.. *funny* But she's sort of cool. And I find Ichigo's and Renji's voices quite "gwarrrr"-ish.. >:3 ♥ oh, and I miss Urahara.. ^^
Hm.. The Batallion was they wasn't even cute..they was just fun. xD and they were quite monotonous and boring..eventually. :P haha.. but good entertainers. :3 then after them we had Iskald.. which Susanne wanted to see. (i have a feeling of forgetting a band or two but I can't remember everything. X3 ) they were good. had some fun parts.. still cute.. xD And then.. after that.. the main band for the evening.. the only band I really wanted to see. VREID! :D And they was AWESOME! :D and they weren't cute like the other bands.. :P Waaah~ Haha.. It's kind of weird to write this.. since my uncle is a good friend of the vocalist.. :P but I got a hug from Sture (Vocals~) and stuff.. xD woohoo~ xD harr.. they was awesome live. :D I want to see them again sometime.. :3 And I raped my neck at their concert... ._. hah.. but for a good cause. xD
I should go back to the skirts I'm drawing... D: stupid homework.
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