Today my plan were to get up at 10 and stuff.. but I didn't because I slept until 13 and after doing nothing for ha few hours I went to centrum looking for the building I'm having my exams in next week. And I found it! :Dit was well hidden and not easy to find but I did eventually. ^^ after succseeding in my quest I walked around for a while windows shopping and then susanne texted me saying her sister had bought a German magazine only because of the Twilight article, and mega poster..and Susanne had noticed a Miyavi poster...and some more jrock/visual kei-ish stuffs... so I went looking for the closest Narvesen shop, because I wanted that poster EVEN it the mag was full of stupid I care about the Jonas Brothers.. XP ..Yeah, so... hm... the poster was nice. ^^ and there was an other of Panic Channel..and I got kind of curious to what kind of music they played... :3 ....and they are SOOOOO CUTE! X3 the first song I heard was Pink Cherry. and... X3 LOL! I love the lyrics! xD they sort of doesn't make sense. xD
here are the lyrics... :
"I believe what you say sun days
I'll be with wow...
Her face was shining with happy
I'll be with wow...
I would like to be a rockar
I'll be with wow...
Be away rocking in sun days
I'll be with wow...
Stay active and stay young
What self bades street
Stay with me alone to sun
What self bades street
I believe was rocking my dream
Shining what pop sun day
Be awake greenness run a way"
harrharr.. xD yep. that's the new repeat song. :P I'll be with wow~ uhm..where was I... yeah, walking around in oslo... uhm so on my new quest, now to find a Narvesen. I went by NeoTokyo because that's just something you do when you find the time. :P And I must say I like how the shop is developing. :3 now they have U.F.O noodles! The same I ate when we were in Shingu! 8D But I bought chocolate pocky and a strawberry ramune, my treat for me being so good at finding things. and since it's Saturday. :P
(christmas in Oslo.)
I want to get a hair cut. It's getting so long and stuff.. I can almost get everything into one ..headband? rubber band? you choose. :P ..and I'm having problems styling it. D: But when I just do nothing with it all you can see of my face is my mouth. xD and that's kind of funny...but I need to cut it off... most of it anyway.. this is heavy and in the way.. :/ ..any ideas to what I should do? :3
yep... there was more I wanted to write... OH! yesh.... the magazine... (called Popcorn btw.. xD) the two pages with jrock/visual kei... I loved the pictures of the bands but not the written stuff. Because the things I could figure out was that the whole thing was like "Should we continue writing about JRock/Visual Kei or not, tell us what you think?" and..there was lots of negative comments and such. and I don't like that. :P It's ok for people to not like my kind of music as long as they don't say so too loudly infront of me..(and this was pretty much in front of me..quite in my face so to speak. xD ) So...yeah...stupid people. D: no reason to complain. I would be überhappy if any of the Norwegian magazines started to write about JRock/Visual Kei.... but they don't. :/ We don't even get concerts.. D: it's like Norway isn't a part of Europa. (yes, I know we're not part of EU but still.... you don't have to ignore us because of that. (○゚ε゚○)) We are good people and we love your music...COME TO NORWAY! harr.....well.. :3 I'm not sure if any of this made sense... xD I should go to bed. xD
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