Hello... I'm a lazy nerd.. so from now on.. this thing will be in english.. and it might actually be copied from my LJ.. xD haha... Norwegian is fun.. but.. english is sort of better. :P I might post stuff in norwegian because that's fun. xD
her goes:
I've had the whole flat for my self this weekend. :3
So yesterday I made noodles with soy sauce and apple slices. And it was delicious! :D
A photo because I'm proud and happy.

AND, my want list suddenly got longer... O.o ..Ok, it might not be THAT long.. but for someone who considers her self broke 23/7.. it's bad. xD
*Final Fantasy: Dissida because Final Fantasy is awesome. >:3
*Miyavi concert 24. Septeber in Stockholm. Because he's fantastic! :D
OHMYGACKT how I want those three things... DX buuuut... I'm a poor student.. so this will be difficult to get. D:
harr... I'm already getting a "free" concert by my sister who wants to see Sonata Arctica 13. December.. and since she needs someone with her.. and I live in Oslo.. Ta-da~ :3 Pluss Susanne wants me to come with her on a Vreid concert 2. October.. (which is in the middle of my autumn holiday.. so I might have to say no to that one.. :/ because I sort of want to go home and see my family that week.. BUT .. Vreid IS a awesome band and I want to see them live. They rock. ) But... :S MIYAVI~ ♥♥♥ X3 so.. we'll see what I'll do. By the way, the Miyavi concert is on a Thursday, 24 september, and I'm at school then. and apparently if we have more than 1 day of absence we wont get the year ..uh... approved.. or something.. :/ I need to ask her tomorrow.. because that can't be right.. and I WANT to attend that concert. >:3 *determined* ..and the OZ cd.. and Dissida. .. -.- *sigh*